Brihottor Mirpur Bus service operates on a very busiest local bus routes in Dhaka. In this route, there are many recreational places where every day, many visitors go for recreation through Brihottor Mirpur Bus from all around Dhaka city. It starts its journey from Mirpur ZOO and Ends at Savar Nabinagar.
Brihottor Mirpur Paribahan Bus Route (বৃহত্তর মিরপুর পরিবহন বাস রুট) :
Mirpur Zoo⏩Mirpur 1⏩Gabtoli ⏩Amin Bazar ⏩Savar⏩Nobinagar Chandra
Registration Year:
Brihottor Mirpur Bus service inaugurated its transport service in 2016 and registered in 2015.
Brihottor Mirpur Bus Seat Capacity
All Brihottor Mirpur Bus maintains seats around 40 to 42 Seats. In general, it counts 40 Seats as standard practice in Dhaka city.
Brihottor Mirpur Counter Details:
Brihottor Mirpur Bus Service has no counter service.
Brihottr Mirpur Seating service or Semi Seating Service or Non-Seating Service:
Brihottor Mirpur bus starts its day from 6:00 AM From Mirpur Zoo and closes its service at 11:00 PM. The operating schedule may vary to occasion.
In a few parts, it serves as Seating Service. The all-around Brihottor Mirpur Bus is a Non-Seating Service Bus service.
Brihottor Mirpur Bus Ticket System/Fare system:
Birhottor Mirpur follows the latest transport fare given by the Bus-Owner organization. It charges 2.43 TK Per Kilo Meters. This bus service is trying to start E-Ticketing System to control over fare system.
Stoppage Name | Distance | Fare (ভাড়া) |
Mirpur Zoo | _________ | _________ |
Mirpur 1 | 2.2 KM | 10 TK (টাকা) |
Gabtoli | 5 KM | 15TK (টাকা) |
Amin Bazar | 7 KM | 20 TK (টাকা) |
Savar | 22 KM | 55 TK (টাকা) |
Nabinagar | 35 KM | 90 TK (টাকা) |
Contact details:
Contact Details of Brihottor Paribahan:
Mobile Number: 01711-175551
Address: Gabtoli, Dhaka
I hope you find the article “Brihottor Mirpur Bus Route (মিরপুর পরিবহন বাস রুট), Stoppage, Fare, and Service Details” helpful.